OMG! My reaction to the 4D ultra-sound can only be explained as OMG! It was so amazing 🙂

We went to a baby visit in Riverside, CA. We entered this cute lil’ lobby with photos of newborns and 3D ultra sounds. We were then told to go into the room where the ultra sound would be preformed. According to Hippa regulations we couldn’t film inside the room but let me just explain. IT WAS AMAZING. It was set up like a theatre with huge couches and a movie size screen and they project our babies image onto the movie screen. There was a bed in the room with the ultra sound equipment for me to lay on. The ultrasound tech was so nice she had warmed the gel for me and and was ready when we arrived. The baby was JUST waking up when we arrived. We read online that the BEST thing to do was to drink juice 15-30minutes before the appointment and have some cold water when you get into the appointment. That really did help because our lil’ angel was waking up and ready for baby Villegas’s big debut when we there.

The ultrasound tech. did a 30minute session and we were able to see our baby in so many different poses and get the weight and #BrenchelBaby even yawned for us! We got the whole 30minutes on video DVD to take home. We did a heart beat stuffed animal(that I played the entire night for Brendon and the next day). We got 2 keychains, 2 color printed photo albums(150 photos), 12 black & white ultra sound pictures and a 30minute video. It was so special I can’t explain how amazing it was.

I was giddy for the entire time and all night long. The smile on my face from ear to ear wouldn’t stop. It was as if we were on a different planet and in our own worlds. It’s so crazy how you can focus so deeply on an exciting moment in time and be so present in the now that everyone else in the world disappears and fades into the background. It makes you feel like your in your own place and everything else is just background. Brendon said he hasn’t seen me that giddy since he proposed or since our wedding. Its the special moments in life like this that REALLY make it all amazing. Seeing our baby for the first time is such an amazing experience and such a once in a life time occurrence, our first baby, something that Brendon and I created out of pure love. Our lil’ baby is a mix of my husband, my best friend and myself. To see a little bit of personality in the womb, the baby had a little attitude, the baby had sas and spunk. The baby posed for pictures and even held up its hand when it was over it. You could see in the face when the baby was upset and when the baby was happy. It seems like the baby truly has emotion.

We CANT WAIT TO MEET OUR PRECIOUS GIFT FROM GOD! Babies are a gift from God and after seeing that much detail and personality even while growing in the womb, I know that there is a little person inside of me. The baby cant talk to me yet, but they communicate in other ways. When baby Villegas was annoyed with us moving, baby Villegas kicked my belly or put up a hand! Baby V stretched moved and even had hicups! I thank God for our gift and truly cant wait to meet our angel and new member of our family!

XO Rachel


  1. The pictures are beautiful I’m so happy for you and Brendon. Thanks for sharing congratulations.

  2. That Awesome and I am so excited for the 2 of you. I know you will both be wonderful parents and that baby is lucky because it will be so loved and is already.

  3. That’s amazing Rachel God has truly blessed you two and thank you for sharing your journeys over the years I really enjoy reading everything. Can’t waite to see your little prince or princess this spring being a mom is the job that never is the most rewarding charish every moment. Congratulations !!!!

    Iam a mother of 3 boys!!@

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